

Keeping You Connected at Home

Telehealth is a monitoring system that your physician, nurse or therapist can bring to your home. If you qualify, it’s complimentary to existing services, and does not replace in-home visits.

Why use Telehealth? It communicates your health status and health care needs with your physicians and nurses, daily or as often as needed. The monitor updates your family and caretakers on your blood pressure, weight, diabetic monitoring, medication management and skin care issues. It’s easy to use and takes only minutes a day.

How do you get started?
Your nurse or therapist will set up the monitoring system with you. A clear, friendly voice walks you through the daily health check.

Telehealth brings many benefits to patients:

  • Provides daily knowledge of patient’s health status and enhances the ability to identify trends.
  • Prevents unnecessary hospitalizations or emergency room visits
  • Encourages adherence to the prescribed care plan.
  • Improves patients ability to stay independent and in the home.
  • Provides patients peace of mind that their health status is being monitored.